Why do I need to lift my eyebrows?
For average people, the height between the pupil to the upper edge of the eyebrow is 2.5cm. If it is less than 2.5 cm, the person will look tired all the time. Therefore, the brow lift is an important surgery in cosmetic surgery industry. Some doctors call it "forehead facelift surgery." Its disadvantage is that it will leave scars above the eyebrows, and its advantage is that the surgical procedure is simple and the effect is direct.
但以上也僅單純以距離做為判斷標準,完全沒有考慮有無雙眼皮、上眼皮是否蓋住睫毛會影響眉毛高低位置。 當上眼皮蓋住睫毛,表示上眼皮也遮住部分瞳孔而影響眼睛往上看的視野,這會的刺激前額提眉肌收縮,一起抬高眉毛與上眼皮,打開視野。這是一個不自主的反射性動作,一般人只意識到自己抬頭紋邊多變深。 會發生這總情況,除了年紀大的人眉眼下垂之外,部分年輕人也會有上眼皮蓋住睫毛的情形;這類年輕人通常是沒有雙眼皮或是只有極小的內雙,上眼皮成泡泡狀,也常合併眉壓眼的情況,是整個眉毛與上眼皮都位於比較低的位置。 這兩種眉毛與上眼皮下垂遮到瞳孔,都會持續刺激前額肌肉收縮來抬高眉毛,讓人以為自己的眉毛的位置還很高,誤以為一切都是眼皮下垂的惹的禍。
Three Incisions for brow lift surgery
【Traditional Forehead Facelift Surgery】
In addition to being able to hide the scars, endoscopic forehead facelift does not require hospitalization after the surgery. The recovery is quick, and the patient can start putting on make-up about 7 to 10 days after the surgery. It allows you to quickly improve the forehead wrinkles, crow's feet and sagging eyebrow issues and so on
Surgical scars
The above is purely a case description, and the actual situation will vary from person to person.
【Endoscopic brow lift surgery】
Endoscopic brow lift surgery is also known as the endoscopic forehead facelift surgery. Its surgical incisions are small and hidden in the hairline, the recovery period is short, and there are very few side effects. 較適合於年輕,上臉部老化初期、抬頭紋較不明顯、額頭較平或額頭不高的人。強調在髮際線內做切口,外表看不到疤痕,而且切口很小,並使用內視鏡的幫助,達到抬眉的目的,是目前較多醫師使用的方法。優點是傷口小,提眉效果佳,除了提眉之外,也有修改善皺眉紋的功能。
Endotine is the device that fixes the position of the eyebrows in an endoscopic brow lift surgery, and it is commonly known as the "Endotine facelift." It does not only have 1 fixing point, but rather a fixing surface formed by 5 fixing points that is used to fix the entire forehead flap. Its advantages include:
Reminders from the doctor
After the endoscopic brow lift surgery, the eyebrows are significantly lifted, and the double eyelids also become wider and more natural. In particular, the brow ends and eye corners are both extended, and the effect is excellent.
Dr. Yi-Sheng Kao Director | Plastic Surgery Aesthetic Clinic
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