Introduction with anatomic diagram V versus Y
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Introduction with anatomic diagram V versus Y

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Introduction with anatomic diagram V versus Y Introduction with anatomic diagram V versus Y
Less-Pain Quick-Fix Minimally-Invasive Double Eyelid Surgery Less-Pain Quick-Fix Minimally-Invasive Double Eyelid Surgery
上眼皮微創切割手術 上眼皮微創切割手術




Suture double eyelid surgery was first developed in Japan, in which the beads were sutured on the eyelid skin with absorbable sutures to form double eyelids. The suture method has evolved to become various surgical procedures such as buried suture method, three-point suture method, two-point suture method and staple mattress suture method, each with its own distinctive own techniques.

Minimally-invasive quick-recovery two-point suture method
The suture double eyelid surgery is different from the incision double eyelid surgery, as the former does not involve cutting off excessive skin tissues like the later. The aim of the suture method is to create long-lasting eyelid crease with minimal scar formation and fast recovery. Dr. Kao performs two-point suture method in which very thin 7-0 nylon sutures are buried at the desired double fold line. These sutures will cause adhesions between eyelid skin and tarsal plate and form the eyelid creases while the eyes are open with the mechanism just like pulling up the curtains. The advantages of the two-point suture method are short surgery time, fast recovery and no scar formation.
As for the surgical pain issue that many people are concerned about, here in Charm United Institute we apply “less pain double eyelid anesthesia” which combines topical skin anesthetics, oral or intravenous analgesics, topical ocular anesthetics and subcutaneous injection of local anesthetic agents to reduce pain and postoperative swelling significantly while minimizing the dosage of each drug. For those who are prone to be nervous, oral or intravenous sedative drugs are given to help ease anxiety and keep stable heart rate and blood pressure, which avoid the disadvantages of intravenous general anesthesia and is beneficial for the recovery. From the patients' perspective, this surgical procedure is an “easy double eyelid operation”.
Last but not the least, Dr. Kao suggest those who are considering double eyelid surgery do research and think thoroughly before making careful decision on choosing the surgical procedure that suits the best to individual’s condition, so as to achieve satisfactory result and enhance self confidence.
The above mentioned is a single case presentation. The actual surgical outcome varies from person to person.
The above mentioned is a single case presentation. The actual surgical outcome varies from person to person.

 The main feature of the double eyelid surgery service offered by United Charm Clinic is our preoperative customized simulation solutions.
Before the surgery, our doctor will offer customized simulation solutions based on individual patient’s expectations, innate anatomical characteristics, age and gender as well as dynamic and static anesthetic requirements, in order to effectively improve customer satisfaction.

The double eyelid surgery takes about 20 minutes. We use balanced multilayer local anesthesia that combines various types of local anesthetics and anti-allergic agents to reduce pain and postoperative swelling significantly while minimizing the dosage of each drug. For those who are prone to be nervous, oral sedative drugs are given to help ease anxiety and keep stable heart rate and blood pressure, which avoid the disadvantages of intravenous general anesthesia and is beneficial for the recovery. From the patients' perspective, this surgical procedure is an “easy double eyelid operation”.

Q 1.Is everyone suitable for double eyelid surgery?

Those with severe dry eye syndrome or infectious eye diseases are not suitable candidates for double eyelid surgery.


Q 2.What is the difference between “incision” and “suture” double eyelid surgery?

In general the suitable candidates for suture double eyelid surgery are patients who are aged around 30, with no puff eyelids or droopy lateral part of upper eyelids. Suture double eyelid surgery has shorter surgical time, less postoperative swelling and no need for removing the stitches. But the created eyelid folds from suture method may become shallow or disappear with time. Comparatively incision double eyelid surgery is suitable for patients who are older, have puffy eyes or obvious droopy eyelids. The surgical stitches need to be removed 7 days after surgery and the period of postoperative swelling is longer. But the created eyelid folds from incision method tend to last long and do not become shallow or disappear.


Q 3.What if my eyelid folds created from the suture double eyelid surgery get disappeared? Do they easily get disappear?

Nowadays suture double eyelid surgery has become a mature surgical procedure. The folds created by experienced surgeons are normally going to last long. If the folds disappear within one year after surgery, our doctor will be responsible for the repairing.


Q 4.How long it takes to heal and get a natural look from incision and suture double eyelid surgery respectively?

For suture method, one week can reach a recovery of 70% and one month for a natural look. For incision method, one month can reach a recovery of 80% and two months for a natural look.


Q 5.Why my postoperative swelling lasts longer the others?

Postoperative swelling is a normal and inevitable process after surgery. The local anesthetics and the suture materials can also stimulate the wound and cause swelling. It is very important for the patient to follow doctor’s instructions to apply cold compress on the wound within 48 hours after surgery and afterwards change to warm compress. Please note that individual’s body constitution and metabolism are also influencing factors.

  1. Do not drive or ride motorbike home after surgery involving intravenous general anesthesia or eye area.
  2. Avoid strenuous exercise or lifting heavy objects within two days after surgery to prevent broken capillaries and swellings.
  3. Do not remove bandages or dressing without doctor indications.
  4. Apply ice compress on the first 2 days (48 hours) after surgery, then change to warm compress since the third day till the swelling fully subsides. But please be cautious that excessive heat or cold can lead to burns.
  5. Take medications as directed, after 3 meals and once before bedtime daily. If needed, painkillers can be given every 3 hours to reduce or control pain.
  6. Wound care: Twice daily (morning and evening) clean the wound with swab soaked in normal saline, and then dry the wound, followed by applying prescribed ointment.
  7. Avoid getting water on the wound within the first two days after surgery to prevent irritation. The wound can be cleaned with water since the third day and with soap or cleanser since the seventh day.
  8. Avoid smoking, alcohol and stimulating food such as tee, coffee and chili that affect wound healing within one week after surgery.
  9. Avoid seafood (except fresh fish) to prevent allergy.
  10. Avoid wearing contact lens, facedown position or any movement that may stretch face muscle or increase blood pressure.



Dr. Yi-Sheng Kao Director | Plastic Surgery Aesthetic Clinic

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