Evolution of Breast Implants
Smooth vs Textured
After many years of research and development, in 2000 FDA approved the marketing of new style cohesive silicone gel-filled implants manufactured by two companies in USA. Silicone gel implants can be divided into two types: smooth and textured.
What are silicone gel implants?
There are various types of breast implants, such as regular silicone implants, saline implants and the most recent "silicone gel implants". What are the differences?
Silicone gel implants filled with innovative cohesive polymer retain their shape despite pressure applied. This characteristic allows the silicone gel implants reserve the merits of soft feel and natural look as in regular silicone implants. On the other hand, the cohesive gel content in the silicone gel implants stays in place if the implant is ruptured and does not migrate or react with human body tissues as could happen with regular silicone implant. Therefore silicone gel implants are considered much safer than the regular silicone implants.
Golden Ratio of Female Breasts
Perfect breasts are with the nipples located at the two base angles of an equilateral triangle of which the apex at the suprasternal notch (SSN:N = N:N = SSN:N).
6 Major Advantages of Endoscopic Breast Augmentation
Precautions for one week prior to the surgery
The day before the surgery
On the day of surgery
Postoperative instructions
Dr. Yi-Sheng Kao Director | Plastic Surgery Aesthetic Clinic
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